Jumat, 04 Maret 2011


Jumat, 09 April 2010

my experience on JAKARTA

Dari sana aq dapatkan banyak hal: mulai dari pengalaman,cara berfikir,adaptasi dengan lingkungan yang baru lingkungan yang baru juga.dan juga motivasi.perjalanan ini membuatku sadar akan pentingnya arti kebersamaan.pada awalnya aq tidak mengenal dan aq merasa sangat canggung jika bergaul dengan temen baru.seiring berjalannya waktu aq terbiasa akan cara mereka menyapa,cara mereka bersenda-gurau itu membuatku lebih enjoy menikmati perjalananku selama di ibu kota Jakarta.kota yang terkenal dengan tugu monas atau(monument nasional) selain dari segi baiknya Jakarta juga terkenal dengan polusinya(sungai-sungai yang penuh dengan sampah bercampurkan dengan limbah rumah tanggah)kota yang penuh dengan falsafah akan hidup dan juga perjuangan hidup di sana.ibu kota Jakarta memeng kejam terbukti dengan segala Sesuatunya yang mahal yang harus dilakukan pakai uang.teman-teman baru pengalaman baru yang dulu aq sama sekali tidak mengenal mereka bahkan kita musuhan pada saat ada sebuah kompetisi tapi keadaan itu berubah aq mengenal mereka mulai akrab dengan mereka inilah yang mungkin dibilang orang jawa(jodoh ga’kemana) jodoh berteman dengan mereka.mungkin tidak semua orang bias pergi ke Jakarta hanya orang-orang nekat dan yang beruntunglah bisa kesana dan (aq-lah salah-satu yang beruntung itu) selain pengalaman aq juga dapat mengernal teman-teman baru anak smantigda yaitu: rizal/ceper,ronie/koreng,munyeng,fiqih,nasikin,ognki,monte,faisal,rahmat,wildan,iting,kodok,mas doby,mas yoga,mas adi,dayat,genda,oqi/tile,candra,anggit,c-nong,dan tentunya aq sendiri.sungguh aq sangat berssyukur dengan aapa yang telah dikaruniakan oleh allah swt,yang tadinya aq dak suka dengan tingkah lakunya anak smantig aq sering diacuhkan oleh mereka sampai-sampai aq brerfikiran negative tentang mereka mungkin itu karena aq baru mengenal mereka!!!

Kita di Jakarta gila-gilaan di sito,dari mulai jalan raya,trotoar,mall-mall,sampai menaiki truk treiller,kami foto lanyaknya orang desa yang baru masuk kampong memang ini kesempatan kami so kami manfaatkan kesempatan ini dengan sebaik mugkin,segila-gila mungkin.

Aq adam menceritakan sedikit dari perjalanan aq selama pergi ke ibu kota Jakarta

Dengan tim futsal smantigda (sidoarjo)

Yang aq ucap buwat perjalanan yang seru,asyik,suka cita,dan tentunya syukur alhamdulillah.

01:30 dini hari aq tulis kisah q.

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010


You'll never know
How much I loved you,
How much I cared.

You'll never know
About my pain,
About my broken heart.

You'll never know
How much I cried,
Just lying on my bed
And thinking of you . . .
kissing her.


It's gone
What's gone? My mind?
Soul? No, I'm fine
Not really
Deep inside, something is missing
The love and tender kissing
She walked out herself
Now all I do is talk to myself
in the mirror, with my reflection
My heart is dead
Soon it will make a resurrection
Once the wounds heal
And I'm loved for real
A type of love I can feel
But nobody loves me
Nobody cares
Nobody loves me
That nobody is me
I can't love myself because no one does
I'm all alone and no longer what I once was
But the only thing that keeps me alive
Is knowing that the next day, it might all change
For the best
And that "nobody" becomes somebody


Words of wisdom
come to my ears,
Telling me what I know in my heart,
But never wanted to hear.

With the truth finally said
and out in the open for me to plainly see,
I wonder why I can love so deeply
but never had that love returned back to me.

I confessed the feelings
that I held inside for so long,
But with his soft- hearted rejection,
I realize I have to be strong.

With tears that want to flow
from my eyes,
I feel that my heart,
along with my composure, slowly dies.

While this dramatic side is showing through
with my ability to question and reason,
I think I may have found
something in me that I can believe in.

Love hurts . . .
That's what they all say,
But I will love again
when all this pain and sorrow goes away.

So I sit and think of all the things
this situation has cost,
And I realize that nothing
very important has been lost.

Instead, a learning experience
has come from all this.
I've learned that hardly anything
is more important than my happiness.


To Watch You Leaving . . .

is to know such pain, it's jagged edges tearing into my soul. As a stake from the garden tears into the warm, dark earth.

To Watch You Leaving . . .

knowing all the while that never again will I fit myself, warm with sleep, against your solid back.

Nor hear your steady breathing. Or feel the beating of your heart.

To Watch You Leaving . . .

aware in every moment of every day that my dreams, my future; once tied with silken ribbons to yours, will never come to be.

And the mornings once so silent and hopeful, us gazing at the mountains and so gently awaiting forever - are now but small pieces of my past.

To Watch You Leaving . . .

your heart a tight fist of anger and your dry eyes betraying nothing of you. I cry for both of us, my love, because you will not.

To Watch You Leaving . . .

is to know that I've lost my place on this earth. My station. My heart's home. That I will wander, forever a nomad. Alone and afraid. And in my troubled dreams watch you leave, again and again.

For the balance of my days.


When I say I love you I do
But this with you will not do
I need someone I can lean on
Someone I can count on too

Yes you are there sometimes
For that I am grateful to you
But I need someone there full time
And that you can not do

You told me once you loved me
That I could believe in you
I was there when you needed someone
Where were you when I needed someone, too?

The time has come for me to let go
Never to expect you to care again
People may come and people may go
But my love will never end